Version 1.8.0
- Support for the Ship to Amazon workflow
- Handling new carrier section on pallet labels
Version 1.7.5
Version 1.7.4
- Added a new upgrade page to clarify why label prints have stopped and how to unlock higher limits
Version 1.7.3
- Added support for Amazon Seller Central in the UAE.
Version 1.7.2
- Bug fixes for generic labels,, Amazon shipping labels
Version 1.6.9
- Fixed an issue with pallet labels in the new shipping label format
Version 1.6.8
- Fixed an issue with Amazon's new shipping label process
Version 1.6.7
- Support Supply Chain Connect
Version 1.6.5
- Update security certificate for AZLabels Instant
Version 1.6.3
- Add review request as a Generic label
Version 1.6.0
- Temporary fix for Amazon label printing method changes
Version 1.5.9
- Various box label print issue fixes
Version 1.4.9
- Internal bug reporting fixes
Version 1.4.8
- Generic labels not printing has been fixed
Version 1.4.7
- Problems with the labels not downloading have been resolved
Version 1.4.6
- Tracking down a bug related to labels not loading. Loads of new error handling to help find it.
Version 1.4.0
- Fix an issue with Amazon UK
Version 1.3.7
- Now supporting UPS printing!
Version 1.3.5
- Add generic label for Small & Light program
Version 1.3.2
- Fix for slow label printing issue
Version 1.3.1
- Added US date format for Generic labels (MM/DD/YYYY)
Version 1.3.0
- Getting ready for AZLabels Instant (!)
Version 1.2.3 - Version 1.2.8
- Various bug fixes
Version 1.2.2
- Fix multi-page product lists missing a print thermal labels button.
Version 1.2.0
- Launch of a new "Generic Labels" feature! Find out more here:
Version 1.1.0
- Major behind-the-scenes update on the way that shipping labels are handled; some users have had problems with blurry prints on their FBA box label barcodes, this should help significantly with that issue.
Version 1.0.15
- Added permissions for Seller Central in Amazon Australia.
Version 1.0.14
- Fix wrong number of boxes being printed for LTL shipments
- Fix button not being added after switching carrier
Version 1.0.13
- Fix an error printing labels in the shipping plan workflow after shipments were created
- Added better debugging software, new fixes should be a lot easier to diagnose!
Version 1.0.11
- Fix duplicate thermal label buttons in the Amazon CA LTL workflow
Version 1.0.10
- Fix item label conditions (again! please let us know if you continue having issues here)
- Fix an error after changing the number of units on the inbound shipment workflow
Version 1.0.7
- Fix multiple shipments requiring a page refresh
Version 1.0.5
- Fix button not appearing when using back button
Version 1.0.4
- Fix performance issues
- Add support for all marketplaces and languages!
- Fix blank fields still generating labels
Version 1.0.2
- Fix multiple label print issues
- Fix item condition showing as N/A
Version 1.0.1
- Stability fixes, Firefox updates
Version 0.0.42
- Added support for Firefox!
- Fixed some bugs that would caused long input times when entering box weights
Version 0.0.35
- Fixed some issues with the button not appearing correctly.
Version 0.0.34
- Fixed an issue where the print button would not display switching between all products and products to be labelled in the shipping plan workflow.
Version 0.0.32
- Added a check for removed labels in the shipping plan workflow.
Version 0.0.31
- Fixed a problem where errors were not displaying properly.
Version 0.0.30
- Allow printing labels from multiple pages on the inbound shipment workflow.
Version 0.0.29
- New process for large shipments (over 30 pages). Now the job will be queued in the background and you can continue working while it processes. As soon as it's finished, the PDF will download.
- Several bug fixes.
Version 0.0.26
- Added support for printing FNSKU labels in French.
- Better error reporting.
Version 0.0.24
- Added support for printing pallet labels.
- Added margins to shipping labels to compensate for different printers.
Version 0.0.23
- Small bug fix for the Print Item Labels workflow.
- Massive shipping label optimization - printing labels is over 5X faster. A 10 page label that used to take 21.6 seconds now takes 3.89 seconds.
Version 0.0.22
- In the Print Item Labels workflow, printing the condition of labels has been fixed.
Version 0.0.21
- Added support for printing labels from the Manage Inventory -> Print Item Labels workflow.
Version 0.0.20
- Optimizing the shipping label print process, shaving a few seconds off the time it takes to print.
- Fixed the print button not showing for shipping labels.
Version 0.0.19
- Fixed an issue introduced in version 0.0.17 that caused the shipping print button to not function correctly.
Version 0.0.18
- Fix for FNSKU labels not being printed when returning to the label page after completing shipments. This bug was related to the feature introduced in version 0.0.14 for modifying label quantities.
- Fixed a problem with printing over 333 FNSKU labels at once.
Version 0.0.17
- Small fix for print button not displaying when switching carriers
- Added support for Fedex labels
Version 0.0.15
- Added Google Analytics to the extension to better understand how the extension is being used.
- Added new pricing plans
- Support for resizing long title text on FNSKUs
Version 0.0.14
- Added support for modifying label quantities when printing labels from the shipping plan.
- Added four new label sizes